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Lab News

  • 2024.10.02 Jennifer Presents Research on Non-Coding RNA at FoUU Dermatology Meeting. 

  • On October 2, 2024, Jennifer represented our group at the FoUU Dermatology meeting, where she shared our research on non-coding RNA in chronic wound healing, with a diverse audience of clinicians and researchers. It was an insightful afternoon filled with valuable recommendations and innovative ideas for bridging skin research and clinical applications!

  • 2024.09.27 Congratulations to Jennifer Geara on the successful defense of her half-time report! Her presentation, titled "Investigation of Novel Therapeutic Targets and Prognostic Biomarkers for Hard-to-Heal Wounds," was well-received. Her Principal Supervisor, Associate Professor Ning Xu Landén, along with her Co-Supervisors, Professor Liv Eidsmo, Senior Physician Pehr Sommar and Postdoctoral Fellow Guanglin Niu, were all present to offer valuable guidance. The half-time review committee, comprising Docent Zhichao Zhou, Associate Professor Johan Junker, and Roberta Filograna, also attended the seminar. 

  • After Jennifer's successful defense, we gathered to celebrate her achievement.

  • 2024.09 An article about our research is published at the 'Sårjournalen'-the official membership magazine for wound care nurses in Sweden. The journal covers the latest research, conferences, training, and new guidelines in wound prevention, treatment, and patient care. It also features case studies and best practices from healthcare professionals.

  • 2024.09.04 ESDR conference On September 4-7, 2024, Jennifer, Yongjian, and Lihua participated in the 53rd Annual ESDR (European Society for Dermatological Research) Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, where all three gave short oral presentations during the poster walk. Jennifer’s poster, titled "Mitochondria-encoded Circ-mtRNR2 Improves the Impaired Skin Wound Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcer by Regulating Fibroblast Function and Mitochondrial Superoxide Production," explored the role of Circ-mtRNR2 in wound healing. Yongjian presented "Transcriptomic Prediction of Psoriasis Relapse Based on Resolved or Non-Lesional Skin Sites with or without Ex Vivo T Cell Activation," and was awarded the prestigious ESDR Best Poster Prize. Lihua’s poster, titled "Full-Length Transcript Sequencing of Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes Reveals Isoform Diversity in Human Skin Wound Healing," focused on transcript isoform diversity in wound healing.

  • 2024.08.15 Guanglin’s talk in African RNA Salon webinar! Guanglin was invited to give a talk at the African RNA Salon titled 'Elucidating the Role of Circular RNAs in Human Skin Wound Healing' on August 15th.


  • 2024.06.11 Research Grant from HudFonden! Congratulations to Zhuang Liu and Guanglin Niu for each receiving research grants from HudFonden.


  • 2024.06.11 Travel Grant from HudFonden! Congratulations to Zhuang Liu, Guanglin Niu, Xiaowei, Jennifer, Yongjian, and Lihua for each receiving travel grants from the HudFonden.​

  • 2024.06.03 The "Frontiers in Wound Healing: Bridging Clinical Needs with Technology" symposium, organized by Dr. Ning Xu Landén and Dr. Onur Parlak, was successfully held on June 3, 2024, at Karolinska Institutet. The event brought together experts to discuss the latest advancements in wound management, focusing on the intersection of clinical needs and innovative technologies.

  • ​​​​2024.05.27 Research Grant from Robert Lundbergs Memorial Foundation. Congratulations to Xiaowei Bian for receiving research grant for the first year from Robert Lundberg Memorial Foundation.


  • 2024.05.16 Guanglin gave a talk titled 'Injury-induced CircGLIS3(2) utilizes its coding and non-coding functions in fibroblasts for wound repair' at the Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA.


  • 2024.04.25 Travel Grant from Eva och Oscar Ahréns Stiftelse Foundation. Congratulations to Lihua Luo for receiving travel grants from Eva och Oscar Ahréns Stiftelse.

  • 2024.02.07 Group Pictures 2024

  • 2024.02.01 Congratulations to Jennifer Geara for winning ImmunoTools Special Award 2023! ImmunoTools Special Award includes 10 recombinant human cytokines reagents. Many thanks for the support from ImmunoTools!


  • 2024.01.15 Welcome Marta Rutar Pérez to join our lab as a visiting master student.


  • 2024.01.01 Welcome Lihua Luo to join our lab as a PhD student.

  • 2023.12.22 Research Grant from Tore Nilsons Stiftelse. Congratulations to Zhuang Liu for receiving research grants from Tore Nilsons Stiftelse.


  • 2023.12.22 Travel Grant from Tore Nilsons Stiftelse. Congratulations to Guanglin Niu for receiving travel grants from Tore Nilsons Stiftelse.

  • 2023.12.12 Research Grant from Syskonen Svenssons För Medicinsk Forskning! Congratulations to Guanglin Niu for receiving research grants from the Syskonen Svenssons För Medicinsk Forskning.


  • 2023.12.07  Congratulations to Ning for securing research support from the Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden) grants!


  • 2023.11.28 Research Grant from Åke Wibergs stiftelse! Congratulations to Zhuang Liu and Guanglin Niu, for each receiving research grants from Åke Wibergs stiftelse.


  • 2023.09.15 Ning Reveals Post-Radiation Wound Healing Challenges at KI Cancer Retreat. At the 20th Karolinska Institute Cancer Research Retreat on September 25-26, 2023, Ning presented our groundbreaking findings on how radiation can adversely affect the skin wound repair capacity in cancer patients, promising insightful revelations into post-radiation challenges in wound healing.

  • 2023.08.15 Wound Healing - From Bench to Bedside  We have received an actual book that represents the forefront of wound healing knowledge. It is a privilege for us to enhance this compilation by contributing a chapter focused on non-coding RNAs and their role in wound healing.​

  • 2023.06.12 Travel Grant from HudFonden! Congratulations to Zhuang Liu, Guanglin Niu, Jennifer, and Xiaowei for each receiving travel grants from the HudFonden.


  • 2023.06.12 Research Grant from HudFonden!  Zhuang Liu and Guanglin Niu have received research grant support from the HudFonden. Congratulations!


  • 2023.05.30 Ning Reveals Advancements in 'microRNA Wound Treatments' at OligoNova's Stockholm Meeting.  Ning presented on the potential of 'microRNA-based wound treatments' at OligoNova's meeting in Stockholm on May 30th 2023, showcasing advances in therapeutic oligonucleotides. OligoNova, a Swedish initiative, is committed to R&D breakthroughs that could translate into patents, startups, and innovative patient treatments.

  • 2023.05.01 Congratulations to Jennifer for successfully passing the KI-MUSC joint course with the best grades. From the 1st to the 5th of May 2023, Jennifer completed the course ”Redox regulation, oxidative stress, and selenoproteins” held at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston, United States. It is a joint course between the Karolinska Institute, MUSC, and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln which has been held for over 10 years and covers a variety of topics such as reactive oxygen species, mitochondria dysfunction, and redox regulation. Jennifer had the opportunity to present a redox-regulated topic through a group presentation, as well as discuss her research data through a poster entitled ”Elucidating the role of mitochondria-encoded circular RNA circ1690-2254 in Diabetic Foot Ulcer”. She was awarded two prizes at the prize ceremony - one for the best poster presentation and one for one of the highest grades at the final examination!

  • 2023.04.30 Farewell fika for Letian. On the 30th of April, we bid farewell to Letian Zhang, who was leaving the Xu Landén lab. Letian had arranged a lovely fika for everyone, during which he shared his experience working in Ning's lab and imparted some valuable advice. We wish Letian all the best in his future endeavors!

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  • 2023.04.04 Congratulations to Xiaowei Bian on the successful defense of her half-time report!  Her presentation, titled "Unravel the Epigenetic Basis of Impaired Wound Healing in Cancer Patients after Radiotherapy," was well-received. Her Principal Supervisor, Associate Professor Ning Xu Landén, as well as her Co-Supervisors, Senior Physicians Martin Tore Gösta Halle and Pehr Sommar, and Associate Professor Maria Kasper, were all in attendance to provide important guidance. The half-time review committee, which consisted of Professor Eckardt Treuter, Assistant Professor Lara Kular, and Assistant Professor Shruti Naik, also attended the seminar.

  • Following Xiaowei's successful defense, we celebrated her accomplishment.

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  • 2023.03.10 Congratulations to Letian Zhang! He defended his PhD thesis successfully! Letian defended his PhD thesis on 'Understanding the role of regulatory RNAs in human skin wound healing' successfully on March 10th. He had a great discussion with his opponent Professor Eleonora Candi and thesis committee members: Docent Nanna Fyhrquist, Docent Marianne Farnebo, and Professor Mia Phillipson. On the afternoon of March 10th, Professor Eleonora Candi gave an inspiring lecture on 'Extracellular serine empowers epidermal proliferation and psoriasis-like symptoms' at the CMM.

  • 2023.03.06 Ning's Global Dermatology Talks Ning presented our work ‘Decoding the RNA regulome in human skin wound healing’ at an online seminar series ‘Global Dermatology Talks’ on March 6.

  • 2023.02.16 Congratulations on Letian's thesis nailing, good job!

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  • 2022.12.15 Farewell fika for Diana The 15th of December was Dianas last day at the Xu Landén lab. She arranged a Spanish fika with typical Spanish dishes. Good luck in the future, Diana!

  • 2022.12.13 Lucia celebration and CMM photo contest On the 13th of December, CMM arranged a Lucia celebration. There was also a CMM photo contest, the theme being “People at CMM together”. Diana and Jennifer came at the third place with their photo contribution – “The Glovemas tree”.

  •  2022.12.08 Molecular Dermatology Secret Santa On the 8th of December, our lab organized a Secret Santa for the Molecular Dermatology members. Happy holidays!

  • 2022.12.07 Nobel lecture On the 7th of December, our lab joined the Nobel lecture in Physiology or Medicine, held annually at Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet. The lecture was held by Nobel laureate Svante Pääbo, covering his research on “The Neandertal genome and the evolution of modern humans”.

  • 2022.12.05 Christmas dinner (Julbord) and Nobel Week lights On the 5th of December, our lab joined a typical Swedish Christmas dinner (Julbord) at Villa Godthem, filled with traditional Swedish dishes, to celebrate the holiday season. After that, some members of our lab went to see the Nobel light show as it was the Nobel Week!

  • 2022-11.28 Welcome Yongjiang Chen to join our lab as a PhD student.


  • 2022-11.25 Congratulations! Zhuang Liu and Guanglin Niu got 450,000 SEK grant from the Åke Wibergs Stiftelse, respectively.


  • 2022-11.09 KI research grant Zhuang Liu received KI research grant for two years, 71,700 SEK/Year. Good jobs!

  • 2022-10.17 Best Poster presentation award to Jennifer On the 9th and 10th November 2022, Jennifer participated in the 11th Tissue and Motion conference which took place at Djurönäset in Stockholm Archipelago. These two days were filled with various interesting talks covering the field of regenerative medicine, stem cells and motion as well as great networking opportunities. Jennifer also had the opportunity to present her current PhD research project through a poster entitled “Elucidating the role of mitochondria encoded circular RNA circ_0089762 in Diabetic Foot Ulcer”. She received great feedback about her poster, experiments and presentation skills as well as got selected for the ”Best poster presentation award”. Congratulations, Jennifer!

  • 2022-10.17 MedS Day We attended the MedS department day in Sune Bergströms Aula in Bioclinicum. We had the opportunity to display a poster entitled “Decoding the regulome of human skin wound healing”, where we presented the multiple projects our group is working on, the aim being to understand the role(s) of ncRNAs and to explore the potential of RNA-based therapy for chronic wounds. It was a day covering an exciting program and a great opportunity for networking!

  • 2022-09.28 ESDR conference After receiving ESDR travel grants, Guanglin, Xiaowei, Letian, and Zhuang participated, from the 28th of September to the 2nd of October 2022, in the 51st annual ESDR (European Society for Dermatological Research) meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Xiaowei and Guanglin were selected to give an oral presentation, entitled “Epigenetic memory of radiation injury in skin fibroblasts of cancer patients” and “Elucidating the role of Circular RNA circGLIS3 in human skin wound healing”, respectively. In addition, Zhuang and Letian presented their posters named “The compendium of profiling coding and non-coding RNAs in human skin wounds” and “Target-directed microRNA degradation in human skin wound healing”, respectively. Great job!

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Left: Guanglin Niu, Oral presentation, title “Elucidating the role of Circular RNA circGLIS3 in human skin wound healing”.

Right: Xiaowei Bian, Oral presentation, title “Epigenetic memory of radiation injury in skin fibroblasts of cancer patients”.

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Left: Letian Zhang, Poster walk, title “Target-directed microRNA degradation in human skin wound healing”.
Zhuang Liu, Poster walk, title “The compendium of profiling coding and non-coding RNAs in human skin wounds”.(no picture)

  • 2022-09.18 We organized a fun evening composed of a nice dinner at Egon followed by a movie night watching Bullet Train!


Left: Zhuang, Letian, Ning, Xiaowei, Lihua, Guanglin, Jennifer, Monica.


  • 2022-08.29 Anisa Ulhusna and Ni Lu , two PhD students from Osaka University, visited our laboratory. They are working in the field of Chemical Biology. Their research topics are ligand induced circular RNA formation and interference of BER process with hSMUG1 and APE1 by DNA binding molecule. Guanglin and Jennifer presented our research to each other and gave them a tour of the lab and CMM!


  • 2022-08.09 “Integrative small and long RNA omics analysis of human healing and nonhealing wounds discovers cooperating microRNAs as therapeutic targets” was published in Elife.


  • 2022-06.27-07.01 Ning co-hosted the EMBO workshop "RNA structure meets Function" (Stockholm, Sweden. Letian gave a talk about his work on HOXC13-AS at this workshop on June 27th. Well done, Letian!


  • 2022-06-03 After a successful PhD thesis, Maria left our group and moved forward to a new chapter in life. Good luck! 


  • 2022-05-30 Jennifer, Guanglin and Monica participated in the 11th Strategic Research Program (SRP) Diabetes - EndoMet - MetEndo retreat at Scandic Foresta Hotel. Jennifer and Guanglin presented their project titled "Elucidating the role of mitochondria encoded circular RNA Circ1690-2254 in Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU)" as a poster.


  • 2022-05-12 Ning was invited to give a talk at the Symposium ‘Five Decades of Virus Research’  at Uppsala University on May 12th 2022. This symposium was arranged to celebrate the contributions of Prof. Göran Akusjärvi and Prof. Ulf Pettersson and the advances in this field.


  • 2022-05-06 Minna completed her Postdoc and we had a farewell fika for Minna on May 6th.


  • 2022-04.25~04.27 Ning and Maria attended the second summer school organized by the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, in Hornbaek, Danmark 2022 April 25th to 27th. Ning was invited to give a talk about ‘Decoding the RNA regulome behind the wound inflammation’ and lead a discussion session with junior researchers about ‘how to make the leap from postdoc to PI’. Maria presented her project about circular RNAs in wound healing as a poster that was highly valued.


  • 2022-04-08 Congratulations to Maria A. Toma! She defended her PhD thesis successfully!


  • 2022-03.08 Congratulations! Letian has been awarded the KI travel grant 2022 for actively participating in a conference.


  • 2022-03.07 Welcome Monica Maselli to join our lab as a visiting master student.


  • 2022-03.01 Welcome Jennifer Geara to join our lab as a PhD student.



  • 2021-12.21 Maria is interviewed by a gymnasium student Amna, from Young Business Creatives School in Nacka. Amna is doing a scientific project together with other colleagues about the role of vitamin C in the skin. She reached out to Maria to learn about the human skin structure and wound healing, collagen synthesis and vitamin C role. She’s also aspiring to become a medical doctor, and was very happy to be visiting Karolinska. They had a nice discussion and fika.


  • 2021-09.22~09.25 Strong presence at the ESDR 2021 meeting
    Letian, Maria, and Zhuang were selected to present their work orally, and Ning leaded the Poster Walk session 'Wound healing and Tissue Remodeling'.
    Maria presented her PhD work about 'The circular RNA circGLIS3 activates dermal fibroblasts and increases ECM production to improve wound healing' at the session 'Wound Healing and Tissue Remodelling' on Sep. 23rd.
    Zhuang presented his work about 'The landscape of microRNA-mediated gene regulation in human skin wound healing and venous ulcers' at the Poster Walk session ''Wound healing and Tissue Remodeling' on Sep 24th.
    Letian presented his PhD work about 'Identification of a novel skin-specific long non-coding RNA regulating keratinocyte differentiation' at the plenary session on Sep. 25th.


  • Ning will talk about our research at the webinar 'MicroRNA and Wound Healing: Recent Insights and Translational Challenges' organized by the Physiological Society of UK (2021 June 14th)



  • 2021-05.12 Ning and Dongqing presented our results about single-cell analysis of human acute wounds and pressure ulcers at the Virtual Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring organized by the Wound Healing Society USA on May 12th.


  • 2021-05.07 Dongqing's farewell fika. We wish Dingqing best luck in his future career.


  • 2021-05.06 Ning gave a talk at the BioNut seminar series with a title 'Beyond the Code: regulatory RNAs in human skin wound healing'.


  • 2021-05.03 Maria gave a talk at the GOSSIPER seminar series about 'The circular RNA circGLIS3 activates dermal fibroblasts and increases extracellular matrix production to improve wound healing".


  • 2021-04.28 Welcome Guanglin Niu to join our lab as a Postdoc fellow.


  • 2021-03.18 Congratulations to Yuen Ting Cheung for finishing her master degree project. Thanks YT.


  • 2021-01.25 Congratulations to Letian for completing his half time review! Thanks to the committee members Kilian Eyerich, Markus Kretz, and Marc Friedländer for many kind and insightful advice.


  • 2020-12.11-13 Maria, Letian, and Dongqing presented their work at the 7th virtual meeting ‘Innovations in Wound Healing’ (Dec 11-13) ( At the session ‘Rising Stars in Wound Healing Research’, Maria gave a talk about Circular RNA cMATRIX in wound fibroblasts, and Dongqing talked about our data of single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of human normal wounds and pressure ulcers. Letian presented his work about lncRNA in wound healing as a poster. All our presentations received very positive feedback and helpful suggestions. Congratulations to Maria, Letian, and Dongqing!


  • 2020-12 Welcome Qizhang Wang to join our lab as a visiting PhD student.


  • 2020-11-09 Welcome Xiaowei Bian to join our lab as a PhD student.


  • 2020-10-26 Welcome Yuen Ting Cheung to join our lab for her Master project! Yuen Ting's  lab mentor is Zhuang Liu.  Yuen Ting will perform a bioinormatics analysis for our RNA-sequencing data of human wound tissue.


  • 2020-09-22 Congratulations to Kim Pham for her undergraduate work entering the ‘highly commended’  list of the Global Undergraduate Awards (GUA). The Global Undergraduate Awards is the world’s leading undergraduate awards programme which recognizes top undergraduate work, shares this work with a global audience and connects students across cultures and disciplines. This year KI has achieved great results. Seven KI students made it to the ”Highly Commended” list. We are very happy that Kim Pham is one of them. Kim performed her degree project with us in 2019 autumn and her lab mentor is PhD student Maria Toma. Congratulations, Kim! Well-done, Maria!



  • 2020-07-06 Congratulations to Medical student Darco Zindrou for completing his summer research project with us. His lab mentor was Minna.



  • 2020-06-04 Congratulations to Medical student Milja Miettinen for completing her degree project successfully. Milja has been mainly working with Letian in the lab.


  • 2020-05-12~15 Letian presented his work on ‘Identification of a novel skin-specific long non-coding RNA controlling epithelial differentiation’ with a poster at the REGULATORY & NON-CODING RNAs meeting hosted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.


  • 2020-01-28 Medical student Kim Pham has completed her degree project with us. Kim’s lab mentor is Maria. Congratulations, Kim!


  • 2020-01-07 Welcome Minna to join our lab as a Postdoc fellow.



  • 2019-11-18 Congratulations to Maria. She passed her half-time control of PhD study successfully.



  • 2019-08-10 Manika gave a talk with a title ‘Investigation of the Role of Tripartite Motif Containing Protein 33 (TRIM33) in Skin Wound Healing’ at Gordon Research Seminar ‘Emerging Mechanistic and Experimental Insights into Mammalian Skin Barrier’ at Waterville Valley, USA.


  • 2019-08-01 We welcome Zhuang Liu as a Postdoc fellow in our lab.


  • 2019-02-24 ~ 28 Maria attended the Keystone symposium… and presented her work about circular RNA in skin wound healing as a poster.


  • 2019-02-08 Congratulations to Xi Li! She defended her PhD thesis successfully!


  • 2019-02-07 Prof. Marjana Tomic-Canic from University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine visited our lab, and she gave a fantastic lecture about ‘Genomics at the Bedside: Molecular Hallmarks of Wound Healing and its Pathophysiology’ at CMM.


  • 2018-10-22 We welcome Letian Zhang as a PhD student in our lab.


  • 2018-10 Congratulations Dongqing Li is selected as a new member of Academy for Future Leaders in Dermatology, European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR).


  • 2018-08-16 Dr. Weiping Wang from the University of Hong Kong ( visited our lab and gave a lecture with the title ‘Photoresponsive Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery’ at CMM.


  • 2018-07-01 ~ 14 Ning attended the EMBO workshop: RNA structure to function in Stockholm archipelago. Ning co-chaired the session ‘RNA function II’ with Dr. Gonçalo Castelo-Branco on July 3rd.


  • 2018-05-16 ~ 19 Xi Li attended the 77th annual SID meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA. Xi gave an oral presentation about our work on miR-34 in skin wound healing.


  • 2018-01-17 We welcome Manika Vij as a Postdoc fellow in our lab.


  • 2017-12-15 ~ 17 Eva Herter attended the 42nd annual Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID) meeting in Kochi, Japan. Eva gave an oral presentation about our work on long-non-coding RNA in skin wound healing.


  • 2017-10-15 ~ 17 Ning and Maria attended the 33rd Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine at Cologne, Germany. The topic of this year is ‘Tissue regeneration, wound healing and fibrosis: translating basic concepts into regenerative therapy’. Maria presented our work with a poster. Ning was invited to give a talk at the post Klenk Minisymposium ‘Next generation female leaders pushing epidermal-dermal crosstalk’ on Oct. 17th.


  • 2017-10-12 ~ 13 Ning and Dongqing attended the 3rd Basle-Manchester Forum (BMF) on Skin Repair and Regenerative Plastic Surgery in Basel, Switzerland. Ning was invited to give a talk about our research at the forum. Dongqing presented our work with a poster.

    The BMF provides a discussion forum and networking platform that aims at inspiring and spear-heading international plastic surgery-dermatology collaboration and at bridging the growing divide between basic scientists and clinical investigators in this area. The BMF is a strictly by-invitation-only event so as to meet its main mission: to create an international forum for networking in the field (incl. industry-academia contacts), and strives to generate a friendly, relaxed, and club-like atmosphere that is expected to forge new collaborations and friendships across disciplines. 


  • 2017-09-27 ~ 30 Ning, Dongqing and Jianmin attended the 47th annual ESDR meeting in Salzburg, Austria. Ning and Dongqing gave oral presentations about our work, which attracted broad interest.


  • 2017-09-27 ~ 29 Eva and Xi attended the 2nd meeting of the RNA Society of Sweden at Örenäs Castle, Skåne, Sweden and presented our work with posters among the leading researches in RNA field. 


  • 2017-09-05 Ning gave a talk about ‘regulatory RNA and skin wound healing ’at a leading beauty company Oriflame.


  • 2017-08 Ning is now presented at AcademiaNet. More information about AcademiaNet here.


  • 2017-08-19 ~ 26 Our Chinese collaborators, Prof. Aoxue Wang, Prof. Caixia Tu, Prof. Tongbin Chu, Prof. Jingxin Ma from Dalian Medical University visited us from August 19th to 26th.  They visited CMM, dermatology clinic, KI campus and Hagströmer Library. We had a China-Sweden dermatology joint meeting at Karolinska University Hospital Solna on August 24th. We had several meetings to discuss the on-going projects and future plans.​


  • 2017-08-01 Congratulations Xi Li and Dongqing Li’s paper ‘MicroRNA-132 with therapeutic potential in chronic wounds’ is accepted by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.​


  • 2017-07-08 We visited Dalian Medical university (China) with the support of VR-NSFC Network grant. Ning Xu Landén and Dongqing Li together with Profs. Mona Ståhle, Enikö Sonkoly and Andor Pivarcsi from the Dermatology Unit, Karolinska Institute gave presentations at the Sweden-China Dermatology Symposium.


  • 2017-06-27 Congratulations Xi Li’s paper ‘MicroRNA-132 promotes fibroblast migration via regulating RAS p21 protein activator 1 in skin wound healing’ is accepted by Scientific Reports.


  • 2017-06-07 We welcome Maria Toma as a research student in our lab.​


  • 2017-04-26 ~ 29 Xi Li attended the 76th annual SID meeting in Portland, Oregon, USA. Xi gave an oral presentation about our work in Mini-symposium "Tissue Regeneration and Wound Healing" on April 28th.



  • 2017-02-01 We welcome Dani Visscher as a master student in our lab.


  • ​2017-01-01 We welcome Jianmin Wu and Jingxin Ma as visiting researchers in our lab.​


  • 2016-09-07 ~ 10 Dongqing, Xi and Aoxue attended the 46th ESDR annual meeting in Munich, Germany. Dongqing gave an oral presentation about our work in plenary session and Xi gave an oral presentation in Mini-symposium "Wound Healing and Tissue Remodeling".


  • 2016-07 We welcome Aoxue Wang as a visiting researcher in our lab.​


  • 2016-04-20 Congratulations Xi Li on passes her PhD Half-time Review successfully.


  • 2016-02 We welcome Eva Herter as a postdoc fellow in our lab.


  • 2015-12 We welcome Eleni Liapi as a project student in our lab.


  • 2015-09-09 ~ 12 Ning, Dongqing and Xi attended the 45th ESDR annual meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Ning and Xi presented our works with posters. Dongqing gave an oral presentation about our work in plenary session and atrrached broad interest.​


  • 2015-03-24 Xi Li is registered as a PhD student under Ning's supervision.


  • 2014-09-01 We welcome Xi Li as a research student in our group.


  • 2014-04-01 Welcome Dongqing Li to join the lab as a postdoc fellow.

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